Departament Mașini și Echipamente industriale

Facultatea de Inginerie


Bachelor's programme information

Established in: 2008
Form os study: full-time education 
Period of studies: 4 years
Graduate title: engineer
Language: English
Available places: 50 places

Facts about the programme

The aim of this programme is to form engineers specialized in using, designing and manufacturing of mechatronics products. The graduate of the study program will be an interdisciplinary specialist, able to integrate mechanical, electronic and computer components and systems.

Optional - dual system

The MECHATRONICS programme is part of dual system, which facilitates the participation at interships stages from the first year at local parteners: S.C. CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS S.R.L. and Marquardt Schaltsysteme S.C.S.

Extracurricular activities

The department's team organizes a multitude of extracurricular activities, such as the Mobile Robot Contest, the Autonomous Robot Contest RobotX, and participation in the international competition Eurobot.

Study content

First year Second year
First semester Second semester First semester Second semester
Chemistry Computer-aided graphics 2 Fundamentals of mechatronic systems Technical thermodynamics
Computer-aided graphics 1 Computer programming and programming languages 2 Electronics Digital electronics
Computer programming and programming languages 1 Probabilistics teory and statistics Strength of materials Power electronics
Linear algebra, analytical and differential geometry Mathematical analysis Mechanics Tolerances and Dimensional control
Physics Materials science and engineering Architecture of numerical computers Fundamentals of automated systems
German Language 1 Numerical methods Electrotechnics Fluid mechanics
Communication / Etics and academic integrity German Language 2 English Language 3 / German Language 3 Mechanisms and machine parts 1
Sport 1 History of technics / Culture and civilization Sport 3 Sport 4
Sport 2 Internship
Third year Fourth year
First semester Second semester First semester Second semester
Mechanisms and machine parts 2 Systems and technics of measurement Control systems in robotics Flexible manufacturing systems 2
Computer aided design Machine tools and manufacturing Flexible manufacturing systems 1 Industrial logistics
Fundamentals of robotics Data acquisition systems Manufacturing technologies and micro / nanotechnologies Mechatronic systems
Hydronics and pneutronics 1 Hydronics and pneutronics 2 Computer-aided engineering of mechatronic systems Virtual manufacturing
Constructive elements of mechatronics / Mechanical structure for mechatronics Electrical actuator Maintenance of mechatronic systems / Reliability and mentenance Finite elements analysis
Programming of microcontrollers / Embedded systems Equipment and manufacturing technologies in mechatronics Programmable controllers / Dynamics of mechatronic systems Production systems engineering / Quality engineering
Artificial intelligence / Microcontrollers, microprocessors Software for virtual instrumentation Numerically controlled systems and equipment / CNC systems Elaboration of the diploma project
Sensors and sensorial systems Practice for the elaboration of the diploma project


Professional competences

Development opportunities

The strong development of the industrial area of Sibiu, and of those adjacent to it, created the premises for necessity and opportunity to prepare specialists in the mechatronic field.
The multitude of economic agents, such as those in the production of mechatronic components in the automotive industry, offers professional development opportunities for the graduates of this study programme. 
The graduates of the “Mechatronics” specialisation can attend the courses of all the master programmes provided by the Faculty of Engineering.

Additional materials

To provide a more comprehensive perspective on our specialization, we invite you to consult the additional materials available below. These resources will help you better understand the structure and opportunities offered by our program.
