
The project

Learn.Inc is an Erasmus+ project, aiming to advance teaching and learning innovation in the partner HEIs in Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Turkey, through cross-institutional collaboration, knowledge sharing and networking which extends beyond academia.

Learn.Inc focuses on fostering creativity and redesigning learning spaces through challenge-based learning (CBL) for graduate-level students (MA and PhDs); more specifically, it aims promote innovation in student-centered learning and teaching, with students co-designing flexible and modular e-learning formats that are developed in response to pertinent societal issues.

More information about the project

The courses

We seek to transform the way that university courses are developed and taught, ensuring the course content responds to societal needs and that it encourages active learning, recognizes students’ own research and excellence in the co-design and delivery of teaching.

The applicants (course coordinators)

Are teaching staff, phd students involved in didactic activity, with experience in the course topic


We are here addressing this Call for Courses to faculty and students, inviting them to creatively redesign and conceptualize the research and results from the experimentations in the previous steps of the project, in order to develop new course content (short online courses, seminars, workshops) and pilot new learning resources. If you are interested please complete the following form: CLICK HERE

 Important dates:

23 April – 21 May – collecting applicants proposals

21-24 May – proposal evaluation

24 May – final results 

Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik